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  • Writer's pictureCaylie

What This Site Is Going To Be

Updated: Aug 15, 2018

Basically, we are going to post pictures, as the example below shows, of our adoptable imaginaries. If you don't already know, an imaginary is a person who can't be seen by most, and is made up in someone's imagination. These imaginaries, of all ages, genders, races, etc, have no home and have struggled to survive. Until we brought them here to our home for lost imaginaries. If you see somebody you like, you can email us at You must explain: Who you would like to adopt, why you want to adopt them, how conditions are in your home for them, and give us your name/nickname and age. There is no age limit to when you can adopt. If we decide you are qualified to adopt, we will send the friend out on an airplane, and they will be driven to your house in an imaginary limo within 2 days.


Zac is our main imaginary mascot. He was the first to be adopted by us, and inspired us to start this site. He is not adoptable, but just an example.
Example: This is _______, he is sweet, kind, loves sports, and would love it if you adopted him as your new friend!

Most pictures will be like this one, with a name underneath. Whoever you like, you may email us to adopt them, as stated above.

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